Motorola DROID Bionic software update gets the green light
I have some exciting news for you DROID Bionic users, the huge bugfix update we’ve been reporting about over the past few months is finally here and ready to straighten out that Bionic of yours. Or you...
View ArticleMotorola DROID Bionic receiving another hefty software update
It has only been about a week since Verizon and Motorola pushed that huge software update to the DROID Bionic that was set to fix the large list of problems, bugs, and camera issues that users were...
View ArticleMotorola ATRIX and DROID Bionic fastboot files now available
Just yesterday, we saw fastboot files for the Motorola DROID RAZR leak into existence over on XDA Developers and Now, two other Motorola devices have been graced with another generous...
View ArticleDROID Bionic getting another OTA update, rolling out now to testers
It looks like Motorola is at it early in 2012 and are now rolling out another update for the DROID Bionic. After initially pushing a huge bug fix update that was said to fix all types of things — and...
View ArticleMotorola DROID Bionic update coming soon, soak test under way
Motorola is getting set to release yet another update to their popular Motorola DROID Bionic 4G LTE smartphone. After countless delays before launch the device has been riddled with little problems and...
View ArticleDROID Bionic update rolling out now, here’s the change log
We recently shared some information regarding an upcoming update that was in the testing phase for the Motorola DROID Bionic but today we can happy tell all you Bionic owners that the update is ready...
View ArticleMotorola details ICS updates, most devices will be waiting until Q3
Motorola has just updated their Android software update plan to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and it isn’t good news. It looks like the update to 4.0 ICS wont hit phones and tablets in the US until Q3...
View ArticleMotorola DROID Bionic, car dock, and spare battery all just $59 from Costco
After talking about the DROID Bionic almost daily for what seemed like months its time has sort of faded away. Other than a few updates and bug fixes it hasn’t been in the news much but this deal from...
View ArticleMotorola planning a DROID Bionic 2
Why Motorola? Why? That is the first thing that came into my mind when reading news of a DROID Bionic 2 this afternoon. While this could very well be a mistake, the source that it comes from leads us...
View ArticleMotorola Lapdock on sale today only – just $79 for DROID Bionic
Who wants to turn their Android-powered smartphone into a little netbook for the ultimate multimedia experience? While the thought of Motorola’s Lapdock hasn’t taken off in the market like they...
View ArticleDROID Bionic set to receive another software update
Motorola and Verizon’s DROID Bionic is set to receive another update in the coming weeks as Motorola has started sending out their usual “soak test” invites for owners to participate in the testing...
View ArticleDROID Bionic update leaks – another Gingerbread build
Another official build from Motorola and Verizon for the popular DROID Bionic has been leaked recently. Sadly we are still waiting for the official Ice Cream Sandwich update for the Bionic, and now...
View ArticleDROID Bionic update rolling out – improves 4G LTE
We have good news to confirm this afternoon for all you DROID Bionic owners. After Verizon posted update support details and documents earlier this week we can happily report an over the air update is...
View ArticleMotorola DROID Bionic update rolling out today with 4G LTE fixes
The Motorola DROID Bionic is in the news again today. While it has received its fair share of updates since being released, and many to try and fix 4G LTE issues, today they’ve went ahead and started...
View ArticleDROID Bionic Android 4.0.4 ICS leaked – get it now
The still extremely popular Motorola DROID Bionic is getting some slightly good news today. While we are still awaiting the official update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich it looks like the folks...
View ArticleMotorola DROID Bionic Android 4.0 ICS update in testing
If you’re the proud owner of Motorola’s popular DROID Bionic smartphone then we have some potentially excellent news for you. Apparently multiple reports have been hitting the wires that Motorola and...
View ArticleDROID Bionic Android 4.0 ICS update rolling out now
Late last week we reported the Motorola DROID Bionic was finally set to receive Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich after a long long wait. Over the past few days the update has slowly begun rolling out to...
View ArticleMotorola: DROID Bionic Jelly Bean update coming in Q2
Motorola has been working pretty hard on their software updates lately, and one that I’m sure many of you have been dying to get news regarding is the popular DROID Bionic. After launching an update...
View ArticleMotorola DROID Bionic 4.1 Jelly Bean update hits the testing phase
If you’re still proudly rocking the Motorola DROID Bionic we have some rather exciting news this afternoon to report. It looks like the highly anticipated update to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean for the...
View ArticleMotorola DROID Bionic Jelly Bean update detailed by Verizon Wireless
Earlier in the month we learned that Motorola had begun testing the Jelly Bean update for the DROID Bionic. And well, it looks like that update is just about ready to begin rolling out to Verizon...
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